Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy 5 Years!

Mama and Papa celebrated 5 years of wedded bliss today by spending a bit of time away from the kids (thank you nieces for your help!)

Our dinner at Chipotle, small ice cream at Cold Stone, and night away at Motel 6 will hopefully be remembered as how we did it before we started making some decent money.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Stephen loves Sarah and shares with her easily. The other morning, Stephen asked for some raisins, and when he had them in his hand immediately pointed towards the stairs and said, "Sarah? Sarah?" He is always thinking of his sister.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

RIP Kitty

Grandma and Grandpa had two little black kitties, Max and Lil' Bit. Max died a few years ago and Lil' Bit was showing some age. During a visit last year, Li' Bit was not feeling well or acting normally, and then a few days after we left, he passed away. Grandpa insisted that we talk to Sarah about it, even though I was hesitant because I thought she would not understand, and both Mama and Papa were concerned about how she might take it.

Papa: Sarah, remember Grandma and Grandpa's kitty? He got very sick and went to sleep and won't wake up again. They are going to put him under the ground in the back yard.

Sarah (thinks) (laughs): Silly kitty!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Food II

Stephen and Mama are in the kitchen and Stephen is getting into everything that he should not be getting into.

Mama: Stephen, go tell Papa that that food is ready!

Stephen (momentarily turns head): Food! (Continues pulling things out of drawers)


Mama: Stephen, go upstairs and tell Papa that the food is ready.

Stephen (goes upstairs to Papa): Food!

Papa: Thanks Stephen!

Stephen: Mama! (Points towards door) Down!

Papa: Oh, Mama has food downstairs? Thank you Stephen!

Stephen (nodding)